Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Mar 9
Let's Glow Dance Let's Glow, Dolphins! Join us Friday, March 10th, from 6-8pm for some fun, fresh dance moves and yummy food! All proceeds from food sales will go to the NHE 5th grade graduation and party!
Winter Spirit Week Winter spirit week is here! Each day will feature a different dress theme designed to bring out the school spirit for students, staff and faculty. Students can come to school dressed up in the theme of the day. 2/13 - 100th day of school, dress like you’re 100 years old! |
Winterfest - Light up the Night Newport Heights Elementary Winterfest 2022 - Light up the Night is coming Friday, December 9th from 5:00-6:30 With this event our goal is to bring our diverse cultures together to celebrate the many winter festivals and holidays held throughout the world! We hope to both affirm the identities of our students and build their cultural competency. Students, their families, and the community will come together to decorate the 1st floor windows of our school with displays to celebrate their families' cultural or religious winter holidays. |
Book Fair - Coming Soon! Newport Heights Elementary Book Fair is coming Monday, December 5th through Friday, December 9th. Your child will have an opportunity to shop with their class during their regular library time and there will be in-person family shopping times as well! Watch for more communication from the school regarding times! Families are encouraged to sign up for eWallet and add money to your child's wallet for Book Fair shopping, rather than sending cash. Register & reload your eWallet HERE |
Holiday Gift Card Drive Newport Heights Elementary Book Fair is coming Monday, December 5th through Friday, December 9th. Due to funding shortages many of our community partners will be limited in their ability to assist families with holiday needs this year. Donated gift cards will go directly to Newport Heights students and their families. $25 increments is suggested, but any amount will help. Please drop donations at the main office (Attn: Ana Lewis) by the end of November. |
Teachings of the First People Please join us for an evening of virtual storytelling and art! The Teachings of the First People Virtual Family Evening will be held Wednesday, December 7 from 6:00-7:00pm. Roger Fernandes, a Native American storyteller and artist, will share stories and art from the Coast Salish tribes of this region. Through hearing and reflecting upon the stories, the students will learn how storytelling is teaching. They will learn about the beliefs and philosophies of the First People of this land through listening to the legends. Students will also learn to create tribal designs that make the stories visual. This evening will tie in with Bellevue’s Since Time Immemorial K-5 curriculum. Roger Fernandes is a member of the Lower Elwha S’Klallam Tribe and has been teaching and sharing cultural knowledge from the tribes of the western Washington region for over 30 years. He shares through telling traditional stories and myths and in creating traditional art that shares the cultural teachings through drawings and designs. We welcome all families and hope to see you there! |